Easter Roast Treway Farm Turkey


⭐️Treway Bronze Free Range Turkey

⭐️Salt and Pepper

⭐️Cup of Water

⭐️Pop Up Treway Turkey Timer

Defrosting Your Easter Turkey

The size of your Treway bird will determine how long it will take to defrost. As a rough guide allow 10-12hrs per Kg in a fridge at 4 degrees.

Always defrost in a fridge not at room temperature.

To defrost your bird, remove all packaging. Place it in a dish big enough for it to comfortably sit in and retain all the liquid as it thaws. Cover and place in the bottom of the fridge until needed.

You can tell your turkey is thawed when there are no ice crystals in the cavity.


Pre heat your oven to 180 degrees or 160 degrees (fan)

1, Before cooking remove your bird from the fridge a couple of hours before cooking and drain all defrosting liquid.

2, Place the ‘Pop Up Timer’ supplied with your turkey into the thickest part of the breast.

2, Place turkey in a roasting pan breast side down making sure the band around the legs and parsons nose has been removed. Season the back with salt and pepper.

3, Empty the giblets into the roasting tray along with a cup of water.

4, Pop in the oven uncovered for 1 hour. After an hour carefully turn the bird onto its back to further cook and brown the breast. Season with a little more salt and pepper before popping back in the oven.

5, When your timer pops up then remove your turkey from the oven regardless of cooking times. If using a meat thermometer cook to 68 degrees in the thickest part of the breast.

6, After cooking you should allow your turkey to rest for 30 – 60 mins. Leave it uncovered which will ensure the skin stays lovely and crispy.


Cooking Times (remember all ovens vary and trust the turkey timer)

Cooking times are for the total oven time.

4Kg – 2hrs

5Kg 2 – 2.5 hrs

6Kg 2.25 – 2.5  hrs

7Kg 2.5 – 2.75 hrs

8Kg 2.75 – 3 hrs

9Kg 3 – 3.25 hrs

For larger birds check the temperature every 15 minutes