Potted Golden Turkey, Ham and Parsley with Sourdough Soldiers


150g butter
1 clove garlic, peeled
400g cooked/roasted Golden Turkey meat, white and dark, roughly chopped
100g cooked ham, roughly chopped
1 tsp grated nutmeg
A pinch ground mace (optional)
2 tsp lemon juice
A pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tbsp chopped parsley
Sea salt and black pepper
1 tbsp capers, rinsed (optional)

To serve, 1 x 400g loaf of sourdough bread, sliced and griddled or toasted

For the clarified butter: 150g butter

In a large pan, melt the butter slowly and soften the garlic without browning. Add the golden turkey and ham and mix well. Add the nutmeg, mace, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and chopped parsley. When heated through, place all the ingredients into a food processor and blitz to a rough, coarse consistency, check the seasoning and adjust to taste. Stir in the capers if you’re using them.

Pack the mixture into small ramekins, earthenware pots or kilner jars and place in the refrigerator to chill.

To make the clarified butter, place the butter in a small pan over a low heat, until melted. Remove from the heat and cool a little. Skim off any foam and pour off the clarified butter, discarding the milk solids left behind.

Pour the clarified butter over each ramekin, to seal the potted golden turkey.You can top the clarified butter with juniper berries, a bay leaf or some chilli flakes for decoration.

Serve with the sour dough, cut into large, chunky soldiers!


This is a fabulous way to use leftover golden turkey, it also freezes beautifully.I make this often and it makes a lovely present to take when visiting family and friends over Christmas.

It is also delicious with cranberry chutney.

NB. The potted golden turkey needs to be kept refrigerated and eaten within 3 days from when the golden turkey was cooked.

Per serving:

45.3g fat
27.4g saturates
1.6g sugar
2g salt

Recipe and image by award-winning Chef Rachel Green and reproduced by kind permission of Traditional Farmfresh Turkey Association.