Perfectly Pink Topside
1.5Kg Treway Farm Beef Topside
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
1, Remove your joint from the fridge a couple of hours before you start cooking
2, Remove from the packet and pat dry with kitchen roll. Lightly rub all over with olive oil then season generously with salt and pepper.
3, Place you roasting pan on the hob over a medium/high heat. Warm the pan then add the beef fat side down. Brown the joint on all sides to form a crust which will seal the meat.
4, Once browned on all sides add a heedful of rosemary to the top and empty a cup of water into the roasting tray. Be careful as it will steam as it enters the hot pan.
5, Pop in the oven at 180 degrees C and cook for 40 mins then keep checking the meat every 5 to 10 mins with a temperature probe in the centre of the joint. Remove from the oven when it is at 50 degrees C for rare, 60 for medium rare and 70 for well done.
6, Remove from the roasting pan and place on a plate to rest. Whilst you finish off your roast and gravy. Make sure to tip the resting juices into the gravy!
It is absolutely essential to cook your meat to temperature rather than time! A simple meat thermometer is the absolute key to success when cooking topside and in fact any cut of meat. It takes all the guess work out of it!
This is the one I use from Lakeland….it is the best £16.99 you will spend!
Or if you want to treat yourself you could go for the fancy wireless thermometer from Meater