Greek Meatball Bake
Feeds 6 People
⭐️X2 Packs Treway Farm Meatballs
⭐️X2 Large Onions Sliced
⭐️x3 Garlic Cloves Sliced Thinly
⭐️X2 Red or Yellow Sweet Peppers Sliced
⭐️680g Passata
⭐️x3 Tablespoons Runny Honey
⭐️X2 Tablespoons Dried Oregano
⭐️X3 Teaspoons Ground Cinnamon
⭐️1 1/2 Teaspoons of Dried Chilli Flakes (optional)
⭐️200g Feta
⭐️Salt and Pepper to season
⭐️Handful Fresh Parsley
⭐️Toasted Pine Nuts (Optional)
Serve with Thatziki and Flat Breads or Cous Cous
1, Brown the meatballs in a frying pan over a medium heat, turning until browned on all sides then remove from the pan and set to one side.
2, Add the onions and garlic to the frying pan and cook to soften for 5 mins then add the peppers. Keep cooking until the veg is soft.
3, Then tip the meatballs, softened veg, spices, passata and honey into an oven proof dish. Mix well until combined. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4, Pop in the oven at 180 for around 15 mins or until the sauce has reduced by about half.
5, Crumble over the feta cheese and place back in the oven until the feta has melted.
6, Remove from the oven and sprinkle over the fresh parsley and toasted pine nuts if you have them!
⭐️ I like to use the Roasted Garlic Flatbreads from The Levantine Table, Waitrose. They have a gentle garlic and sumac flavour.
⭐️You can make your own Tzatziki as there are lots of recipes online but I always just buy some ready made as this is a quick no fuss dinner!
⭐️The recipe is great with the added chilli flakes but I leave them out when cooking for the mini farmers.
⭐️I serve the bake with tzatziki and flatbreads, add cous cous and a side salad if you need to feed more mouths!