Frying Pan Bolognese With Campanelle Pasta
⭐️ 500g Treway Beef Mince https://trewayfarm.co.uk/product/beef-mince/
⭐️X1 Large Onion Finely Diced
⭐️X3 Carrotts Grated
⭐️X1 Tin Chopped Tomatoes
⭐️X1 Tablespoon Oregano
⭐️X2 Teaspoons Garlic Powder
⭐️Salt and Pepper to taste
⭐️250ml Beef Stock I like to use Potts https://trewayfarm.co.uk/product/potts-beef-stock/
⭐️X1 Bag of Campanelle Pasta
⭐️ Grated parmesan
1, Heat a frying pan over a medium to high heat, add a drizzle of olive oil.
2, Add the beef mince into the pan and stir to break up. Stir occasionally until the mince is well browned. Remove from the pan then reduce the heat under the pan.
3, Add the onion and stir often. Once the onion has softened add the grated carrots, oregano and garlic. Stir well to combine. Then cook for 5 mins stirring often.
4, Then return the mince and resting juices to the pan. Add the chopped tomatoes and beef stock to the pan. Stir well and then let the whole pan bubble away until the liquid has reduced by at least half. The sauce should then be nice and thick.
5, Meanwhile bring a pan of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta as per packet instructions.
6, Before serving add a handful of grated parmesan into the bolognese which will enrich the sauce.
7, Serve the Bolognese, pasta and grated parmesan in the centre of the table and let everyone help themselves.
⭐️ This recipe is perfect for children who are not keen on eating their veggies as the grated carrots disappear into the sauce.
⭐️ If you have some bacon lardons in the fridge these make a great addition, just brown them off before starting to cook the beef mince.
⭐️ Recipe is designed to feed 4.