Cauliflower Cheese…. is there a better side dish?!!
⭐️ 1 Large Cauliflower
⭐️X3 Tbsp Plain Flour
⭐️ 300ml Milk (whole milk is best)
⭐️ 50g Strong Cheddar – Grated
⭐️ A Knob of Butter
⭐️X2 Tsp Wholegrain Mustard
⭐️ Salt and Pepper
1, Cut your cauliflower into florets and retain some of the inner leaves.
2, Put a large saucepan of slightly salted water on to boil.
3, Drop the cauliflower and inner leaves into the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes.
4, Drain the cauliflower and leave to one side.
5, Pop a clean saucepan on the hob and add the flour, whisk around to break up any lumps.
6, Gradually add the milk, whisking continually. Once all the milk is combined and the sauce is smooth add the butter.
7, Cook for another 2 minutes and the sauce is thick and bubbling, stir to avoid sticking.
8, Remove the pan from the heat and add the grated cheese and mustard. Stir well to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
9, Pop the drained cauliflower into an ovenproof dish. Pour over the cheese sauce and sprinkle a handful more cheese on the top.
10, Cook in the oven at 220 degrees for 20 minutes until the cauliflower cheese is golden and bubbling.
⭐️ I like to use Davidstow Cheddar for a true taste of Cornwall.
⭐️ If you don’t like mustard then simply leave it out.
⭐️ Don’t over boil your cauliflower else your finished cauliflower cheese will be watery!