Chimichurri Bavette Steak


Serves 2

X2 Bavette Steaks

X2 Garlic Cloves

X1 Shallot

1/2 Teaspoon Oregano

1/2 Teaspoon Chilli Flakes – replace with fresh chilli if desired

2 1/2 Teaspoons Olive Oil

Juice of Half A Lemon

X2 Teaspoons Red Wine Vinegar

The Chimmichurri can be made in advance.

To Make The Chimmichurri

Blitz all the ingredients in a blender until a saucy consistency is achieved, add a dash more olive oil as necessary. Then serve in a bowl, ready to spoon over your steak.

To Cook The Steak

Make sure the steaks are at room temperature before cooking.

1, Lightly rub the bavette steaks in olive oil and season well with salt and pepper.

2, Simply sear them in a hot pan on both sides for around 3 minutes per side.

3, Remove from the pan and allow to rest for around 8 minutes.

4, Slice the steak into thin strips making sure to cut against the grain and serve.



Simply serve the bavette steaks’ drizzled in the Chimmichurri with a simple green salad and chips or new potatoes.