Silver 100% Grass Fed Beef Subscription Box

£100.00 / month

Let us send you a monthly box of our Shorthorn homebred 100% grass fed shorthorn beef.

The ‘Silver 100% Grass Fed Beef Subscription Box’ will include;

  • X6 500g Packs of Beef Mince
  • X4 Prime Steaks
  • X1 Beef Joint
  • Plus a surprise selection of seasonal cuts that we know you will love.
  • X1 carefully selected featured product from our farm shop which will be the perfect pairing to the seasonal cuts in your box.

  • Visa Card
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  • Discover Card
  • PayPal


Silver 100% grass fed beef subscription box

Let us send you a monthly box of our homebred 100%  grass fed shorthorn beef.

The ‘Silver 100% Grass Fed Beef Subscription Box’ will include;

X6 500g Packs of Beef Mince

X4 Prime Steaks

X1 Beef Joints

Then we will include a selection of seasonal cuts that we know you will love.

Plus we will include a carefully selected featured product from our farm shop which will be the perfect pairing to one of the seasonal cuts in your box.

‘From Our Family Farm To Your Table’

Our Shorthorn beef is all homebred here at Treway Farm and is then allowed to grow slowly until full maturity eating only good Cornish grass. Fresh from the fields during the spring, summer and autumn. Then our own homegrown and homemade grass silage through the wet Cornish winter months.

Our beautiful cattle are never fed any grain or concentrate feed. They simply live and eat as nature intended.

We believe in farming in harmony with nature and have adopted holistic farming practices. These enrich our soils, create habitats for wildlife and raise the health of our cattle. Then produce the most nutrient dense and delicious beef.

The shorthorn is well known for its ability to convert grass into beef and produces the most spectacularly fat marbled meat.

Once an animal is fit for ‘beefing’ it is slaughtered just 10 miles from the farm at a family run facility. It is then hung for a minimum of 28 days which gives it it’s rich depth of flavour and soft texture.

Our butcher then skilfully works to hand cut each and every piece of beef.

Our beef leaves the farm ‘Fresh’ every Wednesday afternoon and is delivered nationwide every Thursday before 1pm. Beef can also be collected from the farm every Friday 10am – 6pm or from the Truro Farmer’s Market every Saturday 9am – 4pm.

Why Fresh You May Ask? Well for one our beef is so popular that we sell out every week! And we feel that it gives you the best experience and maximum amount of time to enjoy your beef once it arrives with you. Simply choose what you are going to eat in the next few days and pop the rest in the freezer to enjoy another day!

Our Family Will and I are both first generation farmers who have a total passion for all things beef, turkey, geese, food and cooking. We farm at Treway with our two young and wild children Charlie (8) and Flora (4) plus our gorgeous Labrador Ralphie Pups. When you buy beef from us you are not only going to receive a box of top quality, award winning grass fed beef but you are supporting our family farming enterprise. It is our desire to create a sustainable future for the farm and our children at Treway.

‘From Our Family Farm To Your Table’


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