Flora at Cornish Farm Experiences

Easter Holidays Have come and gone

School holidays are always a juggle but there is something so freeing about the lack of clock watching for the school runs, packed lunches, clubs and the eternal search for Flora’s shoes. This is the first school holiday where we haven’t stopped ‘beefing’. With our regular customers and subscription orders a break is now easier…

Over the halfway point

Over the halfway point

It always feels like such a milestone when you hit the halfway point in the calving season. Will has been up around the clock checking all of our beautiful ladies in waiting for signs of labour. Luckily the shorthorn is generally known for its easy calving as they will more often than not have a…

Will talking in school

Farmer Will Went to school

Last week Will was kindly invited to Nanpean school to speak to the children about farming and what it takes to be a farmer. Will told them all about the cattle, our beef programme and all about our Christmas poultry. He took in samples of hay, haylage, silage and fresh grass to show them how…

Milestone moment at treway

Milestone moment at treway

This week we reached a serious milestone in our journey at Treway Farm. Our 800th calf was born! Will has been farming here for 15 years and arrived at an empty farm with only a handful of calves. Through his hard work (just look at those hands) and total dedication he has built up our…

Treway Farm Butcher Darren

National Butchers week

Last week it was ‘National Butchers Week’ where we said a huge thank you to our brilliant butcher Darren. Without this hero we simply wouldn’t have a business….. Whilst Will can rear the best grass fed beef on the farm and I can sell, pack and ship our beef. We simply can’t butcher our beef….

Grass fed beef butcher

The Treway Beef Carousel

After school every Monday afternoon we make our way over to our brilliant butcher’s to collect the week’s meat. We are super lucky as our butcher hangs our beef for a minimum of 28 days at his premises. Seeing as we always have a minimum of 5 bodies of beef hanging at any one time…

Beef farmers on holiday

Back to beefing!!

After a much needed fabulous family holiday in Cape Verde we are excited to be back on the farm and back to ‘beefing’ for 2023. We will now have our homebred, 100% grass fed shorthorn beef available fresh every week as follows; 🚛 Nationwide Delivery: Thursdays arriving before 1pm 🚜 Farm Collection and Farm Shop:…

Shorthorn Beef cattle are in

All change in the sheds

As a small farm we have to make some of our farm buildings work hard for us which means they are in use all through the year in different formats. June – December = Turkeys December = Car Parking December – April = Cattle and Calving April – June = Heifers Back in mid December…

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