Making Hay

Making Hay

The weather has been settled this week which has allowed us to finish this years hay making. Will has been very busy this week cutting the grass which then has to be left to dry for 5 days and turned using a hay bob on the back of the tractor. Then it is pulled into…

The Lamps Go Red

The Lamps Go Red

We keep the chicks under heat lamps with white bulbs which keep them very cosy and help them to find their food and water until their eyesight improves. At 10 days old we change the bulbs over to red ones which allows the chicks to sleep better and reduces their pecking tendencies! It makes for…

The Chicks Have Arrived

The Chicks Have Arrived

After a very long journey from the Kelly’s Turkey Hatchery in Essex our brood of 2015 chicks have arrived on the farm this morning! They have all travelled well and are now settled into their brooding pens. Will got up early this morning to turn on the heat lamps so the pens were warmed up…

Setting Up The Chick Pens

Setting Up The Chick Pens

The chicks arrive next week so we have spent the day setting up the brooding pens in what was the old piggery. It makes the perfect place to rear them as the insulated slate roof keeps them cosy while the windows to the front and rear provide plenty of fresh air. The chicks are reared…

The Royal Cornwall Show

The Royal Cornwall Show

The Royal Cornwall Show is an event we all look forward to every year and this year did not disappoint. We spent the morning looking at the pigs and sheep and of course visited the poultry tent where there were a fabulous selection of all our feathered friends from turkeys to geese to bantam chickens….