The class of 2024 are weaned

Last week it was time to ‘wean’ the calves which of course means moving them away from their mothers.

Traditionally this would simply be done by splitting cows into one group and calves in the other. Then putting each group into separate sheds. This is a very abrupt change for the calves and causes them high stress. This will make both the calves and cows bawl.

We prefer to use a gentler method by using ‘nose flaps’. These plastic flaps are gently popped in the calves noses which means they are unable to suckle from Mum but can still be with her while they wean off milk. The flaps hang down below their nose which prevents them getting a teat into their mouth but doesn’t affect their ability to graze or drink.

After 4 days we bring the herd in and split the calves and cows into separate sides of the shed and the nose flaps are removed. By this point the cows are starting to dry off and the calves are used to not nursing. Whilst there is still a bit of ‘shouting’ there are no high stress levels. The calves are just getting used to their new surroundings and routine.

The nose flaps are reusable every year as we simply remove them, wash, disinfect, dry and store ready to use next year. Each year we will loose the odd one in the field but they always turn up at some point!!

I absolutely love this photo of a calf who is an absolute carbon copy of her mother!

With the calves weaned it is a true sign that the year is marching on and Christmas is very much on the horizon. In other news the poultry are looking fabulous and there really is nothing better than seeing them enjoying the autumn sunshine – when it’s not raining!