It’s Event season!!

The last few weeks have been rather hectic to say the least as we are in the midst of ‘event season’.
Will and I were invited to speak at the NFU Turkey meeting in Exeter where we shared our farming story and how we have been able to grow the business from producing a few turkeys to the flock we have this year. The turkey meeting is always a great opportunity to catch up with friends and fellow turkey producers from across the South West.
At the end of September we were delighted to be a part of the newly revived ‘Truro Food Festival’. This time it was held in the event cabins on Lemon Quay where we were cooking up a storm with our pasture fed burgers and bacon rolls. Along side selling fresh meat.
Will and I were lucky enough to be invited to have a spot on stage in the ‘Chef’s Theatre’ where we talked through how to prepare, cook and carve your Christmas turkey. I have cooked many many many turkeys but I have never been so worried about getting it right for the demo. I was in and out of the prep kitchen like a fiddlers elbow checking it! I am delighted to say it was spot on and when the time came for tasting it was devoured!
The food festival ran for 5 days which was quite the marathon. We were absolutely thrilled when celebrity chef Paul Ainsworth chose to have a Treway Farm burger for his lunch! Although we were absolutely swamped with orders and a battling a long queue so had no opportunity to chat or take a piccy!
We hosted a farm walk with the St Austell branch of the Rotary Club which was a follow up to our talk earlier in the year. It was the perfect sunny autumnal afternoon and the group absolutely loved seeing the turkeys, they are so inquisitive and love visitors!
Last weekend we headed back to The Bond in Birmingham for the final ‘Keto Festival’. It was an epically long day but brilliant to see so many of our nationwide customers. As ever our ‘Carnivore Boxes’ were the hot food winner of the day! It is such a shame that through rising costs the organisers have decided to close the keto festivals.
On Wednesday we hosted a round table meeting at the farm with Tom Bradshaw who is president of the NFU and some other local farmers. It was so interesting to hear about the work that NFU are doing with the government and we were able to ask questions and raise concerns.
On Saturday we are headed to the Royal Cornwall Showground for the ‘Pedigree Beef Calf Show’ where we will be cooking up our burgers and bacon rolls alongside selling fresh meat. And I am sure there will be plenty of discussion about beef. We are looking forward to being a part of this great event in the Cornish farming calendar. There will also be a host of craft and food stands so will be a great day out for the whole family. We will also still be in attendance at the Truro Farmer’s Market!
Next week we are hosting an event at the farm entitled What is the best way to establish herbal leys into permanent pasture? This is in association with ‘Farm Net Zero’ and ‘Cornwall National Landscapes’ where we will be discussing the results of the trials we have been running.
Meanwhile the farming calendar is marching on. On Saturday we scanned the cows and our brilliant bulls Logic and Rocky have been doing a phenomenal job with 98% of cows in calf! This really speaks volumes on the health of our herd. I firmly believe it is because our cattle live an entirely natural life eating their natural diet of simply pasture.
The turkeys are looking magnificnet and the Christmas orders are certainly pouring in. We have already had to put ‘Sold Out’ on our Extra Large geese!