Hectic Few weeks at treway hq

I’m not even sure where to begin, we feel like our feet haven’t touched the ground in weeks!
As a small ever growing business we have been spinning so many plates both on the farm, in the butchery, at events and of course our own family life. Occasionally some things have to give and in my case it has been my weekly blogs and emails!
At the end of May I attended the ‘Public Health Collaboration’ conference in Croydon. After last years conference in Sheffield I was truly inspired and this year was absolutely no different. Titled ‘Nourishing Minds, Transforming Lives’. The two days were crammed with inspirational speakers and medical experts from around the globe. All sharing their indepth knowledge around nutrition, health and wellbeing. It was once again so life affirming to hear all the experts praising red meat and it’s essential role in ultimate human nutrition.
Next stop for us was the Royal Cornwall Show which was thoroughly bonkers! Across the three days we flipped 2300 burgers and an immeasurable number of bacon rolls. Plus we sold 6 bodies of fresh beef. The show was a herculean team effort from our ‘show team’ Emma, Katie, Philip and Shane who sweated it out over the hot grills and kept up with the relentless food queue! Then our wonderful beef ladies at home Suey, Vikki and Sue. We of course must mention the team of butchers who make it all possible, Darren, Joe, Rich and Graham along with the brilliant abbatoir team at JV Richards. We absolutely loved being a part of the fabulous ‘Food and Farming Tent’ once again this year. And of course Kenny who kept the farm wheels turning and all the cattle happy back at HQ.
Last week we attended Sticker village’s ‘Party In The Park’ where we cooked burgers for all the party goers. Will was grilling and Charlie worked like a hero serving burgers while I was taking orders. It was a wonderful evening with music from Tregony Teachers and our highlight was watching the village conga take off down the slide!
Meanwhile things have been busy on the farm as we have made our first cut of ‘clamp silage’. Then last week Will managed to harvest several fields of round bale silage all with the help of John and his team at Solomon Contractors. Getting the grass harvest right is essential as this nutritious crop will feed our cattle through the winter months.
In exciting news we have just welcomed a new bull to our herd. ‘Rocky’ is a very handsome chap with some brilliant bloodlines that we can’t wait to add to our Treway herd. He arrived last week and has really settled in to life at Treway and seems delighted with his new ladies! Meanwhile ‘Ned’ has been sold to pastures new – well he hasn’t gone very far, he is only on the farm next door! We have still got our lovely ‘Logic’ who is once again running with his group of cows.
In family news it was Flora’s 7th birthday on Tuesday so our house was filled with much excitement! We are now waiting for the arrival of ‘Marshmallow’ and ‘Peanut’ her new rabbits.
The turkeys arrive on Thursday so we are on all systems go preparing for that and then the countdown to Christmas will well and truly be underway!