Clear tb test and calving is well underway!

Last week we were very busy TB testing on the farm. This involves three days of work as follows;

Monday – Make sure all cattle are in the right location ready for testing. This involves moving one group in small batches to the handing yard (we can’t risk running them across the field as you only need one naughty individual who refuses to come in to void a test! As every animal must be tested.) We also had to make our selection for the abattoir on Wednesday, record their ear tag numbers to make sure that those animals were not included in the test.

Tuesday – All animals are individually tested. Firstly two sites are clipped on the neck of the animal. The skin thickness at both sites are measured and recorded using callipers. Two types of tuberculin (bovine and avian) are injected under the outer layer of the skin at the ‘bovine site’ and the ‘avian site’.

Friday – The skin reactions of each animal to the two types of tuberculin are measured and compared. When the bovine site exceeds the avian site reaction by more than 4mm the animal is declared a ‘reactor’ and will be registered for slaughter. That animal is given a green ear tag (or as we would call it ‘the tag of doom’) and the details are sent to DEFRA who will arrange collection and transport to slaughter. When the bovine site measures 1-4mm more than the avain site reaction the animal is declared as an ‘inconclusive’ and will be retested in 60 days along with the rest of the herd.

On Friday we were over the moon to have a clear TB test result which means we have now escaped the 60 day testing cycle that we have been locked in for the last 6 months. Back in the autumn we had two cows who were deemed as ‘reactors’. They were slaughtered and on inspection at the abbatoir no TB was found. This always feels like such a waste of life, that of the cow and the unborn calf. This started the 60 day testing cycle…… In order for your herd to be classed as TB free you need to have x2 clear whole herd tests. We were clear in January and again last week – hurrah!

Our next test will be in September when the year really will have marched on. Our thoughts will be turning to Christmas and all things turkey!

For now our beautiful cattle can chill and our lovely mothers in waiting can have their calves in peace. It won’t be long before the whole herd will be heading outside to enjoy the spring grass, I think we are all counting down the days!

Calving is really kicking off now we had the arrival of this beautiful boy (pictured) first thing this morning and as I type we have a cow in labour and another who is in the very early stages. I feel it is going to be a very busy day and week on the maternity wing!