The turkeys are teenagers!

The turkeys are just over 12 weeks of age which means they are officially teenagers!
They have now fully finished growing their skeletal system, so they are as tall as they are going to get and well some could well be described as a tad lanky!
Now they will be growing their muscular system which will mature at around 16 weeks.
Then after 16 weeks is where the magic happens…. they lay down natural fat. At this point we feed them whole oats which we source from a farm just 5 miles from Treway. This is what gives them that renowned succulence and flavour.
How many times have you heard people describe turkey as ‘dry, crumbly and tasteless’? Well the reason turkey has such bad rap is because in commercial turkey production birds are slaughtered from 12 – 16 weeks. Which is in the teenage years! Those birds haven’t finished growing let alone laid down any fat resulting in a bland crumbly meat.
Our turkeys are grown to 24 weeks – double the age of their commercial counterparts. In that time they have been allowed to grow slowly to full maturity while exploring their paddocks and of course being entertained by the mini farmers!