Turkeys – They grow so fast

Our flock of 2023 is now 10 days old and boy have they changed.
Every year we forget just how quickly they grow in the early days.
Last week they were tiny fluff balls now they are very much mini turkeys who are up to mischief. Will would describe them as naughty children, it might explain why Flora loves them so much!
Yesterday we spent the morning combining pairs of brooding hoops into larger pens to give everyone more room to flap, hop, run and skip. By next week we will take the hoops away altogether and they will have the free run of the whole shed. The turkeys will tell us when they are ready for this as they will start jumping out of the pens. Not being the brightest they can always jump out but can’t ever seem to be able to jump back in!
I love this picture of Flora, she just adores the turkeys and has been so much help with them this year. Apparently the turkey in the scoop wanted a ride to the other side of the pen.
They are still very labour intensive although getting a little easier by the day as we are slowly weaning them off the small drinkers and feeders into the larger ones. But with turkeys you have to make any changes very slowly to give them time to adapt.
This week we shall be very busy preparing for our Treway Fiesta, fundraiser for RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institute) https://rabi.org.uk/ After weeks and weeks of hot dry weather it’s looking like it is going to be wet and blustery all week. Don’t panic if you are attending we have a wet weather back up plan!