Farmer Will Went to school

Will talking in school

Last week Will was kindly invited to Nanpean school to speak to the children about farming and what it takes to be a farmer.

Will told them all about the cattle, our beef programme and all about our Christmas poultry. He took in samples of hay, haylage, silage and fresh grass to show them how whilst our cattle only ever eat grass that it takes many forms throughout the year.

The children were enthralled and ask Will so many brilliant questions.

A couple of weeks we hosted Tregony Cubs and Scouts at the farm for the evening where they started their animal care badges.

We showed them the cows, bulls, finishing cattle and our newborn calves. They learnt what the cattle eat through the year and why we house them in the winter.

The children helped to bed up the ‘nursery shed’ and cleaned the water troughs.

A stomp around the woods followed and was rounded off with hot chocs all around!

These opportunities need to be grasped with both hands as it is such a brilliant chance to connect children directly with agriculture and the food system.

Whilst spreading the word about regenerative farming and the positive impact of farming.

It is important to remember that these young minds will shape the future of the planet.

A planet where ruminants grazing in line with mother nature is going to be a key part in the solution of the climate crisis.