Half Term and the grand cow sorting

Half term is on the one hand lovely as we can skip the school run and the daily scavenger hunt for Flora’s shoes. But on the other hand working with the mini farmer’s isn’t always easy!
Flora calls us the ‘beefy girls’ and she has been my right hand girl in the shop on Friday and at the Truro Farmer’s Market on Saturday. She certainly entertained lots of customers along the way with her stories and dance routines!
Charlie has been helping Will on the farm with any jobs that involve a tractor! He was super excited this week as he had his first sleep over at a friends house. He has suddenly become really rather grown up.
Will and I had a quick to trip to London to our annual Turkey Association ‘Christmas Washup’ meeting which I chaired. It was great to catch up with fellow turkey producers and hear how their season went. I think the general consensus of opinion was ‘stressful’!!
Then while Flora and I were at the market Will and Kenny conducted the grand task of cow sorting as we prepare to start calving.
We divide the cows into two groups;
Group 1 = The Early Calvers
Group 2 = The Late Calvers
This ensures all our beaitiful ladies who are due to calve first according to their scan dates are now safely installed in our maternity wing.
As with everything farming, the scanning isn’t an exact science and cows like humas can labour early. So of course we will be keeping a very close eye on group 2 for signs they need to be moved to the maternity wing!
With 84 ladies due to calve in the next couple of months we are in for a very busy time. But we can’t wait to meet the class of 2023.