Friday Farm Shop Revamp

For anyone who has been visiting the Friday Farm Shop over the past few months you will have seen lots of changes and improvements happening each month.
Last week we had two new major additions to the shop which I think now mark it as complete! The first being a new upright fridge where we can now display our pre packed items such as kebabs, grillsticks, burgers, meatballs etc. Now there is some chance you will be able to see what we have! It also means we now have so much more space in our counter fridge to display our grass fed beef cuts.
The other major addition is our new freezer which is fully stocked with ‘By Ruby’. These are utterly delicious ready meals which are handmade in small batches. Made using the finest ethical ingredients sourced from the UK. We have of course been sampling, Flora’s favourite so far has been the Lasagna and Charlie declared that the Chicken, Leek and Bacon Pie tasted just like my own version! The meals are in single serve or double serve portions.
We are currently stocking;
Grass Fed Beef Lasagna
Free Range Chicken, Bacon and Leek Pie
Grass Fed Beef Bourginon
Classic British Fish Pie
Free Range Chicken and Tarragon
Grass Fed Beef Cottage Pie
Woodland Mushroom Risotto
Free Range Coq Au Vin
Three Cheese Macaroni Cheese
Roasted Vegetable and Spinach Lasagna
Roasted Butternut Squash and Spinach Dahl
Dan Dan Aubergine and Peanut Noodles
Aubergine and Paneer Korma
Free Range Chicken Tikka Massala
Free Range Chicken Bone Broth
We are also stocking a large range of condiments from Tracklements and The Cornish Larder. A large selection of cooking sauces from Potts Partnerships. Meat rubs from The Rusty BBQ. Chocolate from Josh’s Chocolate. Duck eggs from Terras Farm, St Stephen. Delicious bronze cut pasta from Cornwall Pasta and so much more!
We would love to see you in the shop over the coming months and would love to know if there is something you would like us to stock.