A Busy Week at treway

Flora Birthday

This weekend we celebrated our crazy girl Flora’s 5th Birthday.

She is a total lunatic but spreads joy wherever she goes with her infectious smile and giggles. Plus of course her many stories, she is what we describe as a ‘loose cannon’ you never know what she is going to say next!

Our house is covered with pink and glitter. We learn’t the hard way just how far a confetti cannon can spread!

On the farm Will has been very busy making silage again. This time we have made it into round bales, the crop was heavy so we have ended up with 250 bales. These will now sit until winter time when we will use them to feed our shorthorn cattle.

It was school sports day last Wednesday which sadly Will missed due to silaging. But I was there on the sidelines cheering them on. Charlie was so determined and came 3rd in both his races, super proud of him. While Flora was well just Flora…in her own world and hadn’t realised her race had started! She had fun all the same and was laughing her head off the whole time. To say I was relieved there was no Mum’s Race was an understatement!

Nationwide beef deliveries were incredibly popular last week, in fact we sent more boxes of beef across the country than ever before. In fact our brilliant DPD driver had to wait as I was racing around packing the last box!

Our goslings are growing well and this week we turned the heat off in their house which is the first step to getting them outdoors. Like with any livestock changes need to be made gradually to allow them to acclimatise. Hopefully by the end of the week they will be enjoying their days roaming on the hill.

This week our main focus is preparing for the arrival of our 1700 turkey poults (chicks) next week. As a small farm our buildings have to be super versatile. So the shed we will be housing the poults in has been used until last week to house our ‘heifers’ (female cows that haven’t had a calf yet). Will has been cleaning it out with the tractor then a good old fashioned broom and shovel! Our next step is a thorough pressure wash, disinfect and dry out. Once its beautifully clean we can start building our turkey pens, but more about that in next week’s email….