Happy shorthorn cows and calves

There are few things that give us more joy than a stroll around the fields in the sunshine looking at our beautiful cows and calves.

We are now on the calving home straight!! With only 9 experienced cows left to calve in the next couple of weeks our ‘ladies in waiting’ pen is looking very empty.

Then in the middle of the month our heifers (first time Mummas) will begin to give birth. Luckily shorthorns are fantastic natural mothers and we rarely have to help them get in the swing of things. But….there is always one that seems shocked by the arrival of a calf and does not possibly want a thing to do with it! In these instances we will keep the cow and calf in a pen together and help the calf to latch on and feed. In no time at all they will be bonded, once we are happy they will then be turned out in the fields with the rest of the herd.

By the end of May the class of 2022 will be complete!!

We are delighted with the calves we have had so far. Last spring we bought a new bull ‘Ned’ to run with our pedigree cows. It was his first working season and has truly produced some fabulous stock. It is always a gamble when using a new and unproved bull on your herd. His genetics will now flow through the Treway herd for years to come as we will keep his pedigree daughters to join the breeding herd.