I may be the ‘Beef lady’ but more importantly i am ‘mum’

I may well be known to many as ‘the beef lady’ but first and foremost I am Mum to my gorgeous and equally feral mini farmers Charlie and Flora.
These two monsters drive me totally bonkers each and every day with their sass (mainly Flora), total independence and tendency for selective hearing! But I couldn’t be more proud of the pair of them.
Charlie knows more about tractors and machinery than I frankly ever will and has always got some new money making scheme on the go. All ready to finance his dairy farm of the future…we have obviously put him off beef and turkey farming!
Whilst Flora is well just simply Flora, she totally lives in her own world which is always pink and glittery. Yet is the toughest cookie I know. Anybody who has met her in the shop would agree that she quite the ray of sunshine!
Juggling the farm, beef business and being Mum is certainly a challenge but somehow we seem to muddle through each week. As I say as long as everyone is fed, watered and they have clean pants for the morning then everything else can wait!
As a very small family farm we all have to work together, as the saying goes ‘team work makes the dream work’.