Family time is the best time!!

After a totally bonkers Christmas we were in need of some annual leave and the beautiful Cotswolds didn’t disappoint.
A throughly good time was had by all…. we filled our time with penguins, model villages, Romans, crocodiles, farm shops, good food, plenty of drink and bags of laughter.
Here are some of our favourite places we visited;
⭐️ The Cotswold Guy, Guilting Power – a fabulous food store where we bought the most delicious home made chocolate and croissant pudding. We also picked up some local milk, a sourdough loaf, honeycomb chocolate buttons, local cream and a ‘bolognese booster’ which we will try this week!
⭐️ Daylesford Organic – a farm shop of epic proportions! We bought a delicious rack of lamb which we cooked as the mini farmers would say at ‘our holiday house’.
⭐️ Smiths of Bourton, Bourton On The Water – our favourite meal of the week was at this burger place which was a short walk from where we were staying. We all enjoyed super scrummy burgers and sides. Chimmichurri on chips was a revelation!
⭐️ Birdland, Bourton On The Water – We all loved seeing the penguins and of course Flora’s favourites we’re the flamingos seeing as they are pink! We also enjoyed following the trail around the dinosaur park!
⭐️ Crocodiles Of The World, Brize Norton – One of our holiday makers recommended that we should visit this place. We all had a brilliant time, I for one have never seen so many crocodiles or realised that there were quite so many varieties! Plus there were snakes, meerkats, tortoises, monkeys and so much more.
⭐️ Hanleys Store, Burford – we stumbled across this lovely deli in Burford. It stocked a brilliant range of tempting treats, fresh produce and some lovely ethical homeware. We picked up some biscuits, coffee and a chilli balsamic glaze which I can’t wait to try!
⭐️ Puxton Adventure Park, Hewish, Somerset – We stopped here on the off chance on the way home and what a find it was! The mini farmer’s had a ball riding the mini railway, driving jeeps around the dinosaur park, feeding the meerkats and porcupines. They had a brilliant farm area where you can watch their herd of Holstein cows being milked. Then they both loved a good romp around the indoor soft play before heading home.
Time away from the farm is so important as we have come back reenergised, and focused on the year ahead…..plenty of plans are in progress.