How Many cows?!

People often ask how many cows we have and how long does it take to produce our beef? Well here is the answer….
Our cattle are all homebred, currently we have 85 breeding cows with 85 calves at foot. Our 2 gorgeous pedigree shorthorn bulls Logic and Ned. Then 100 followers which includes our finishing beef bullocks, heifers which will enter our breeding herd and yearlings (last years calves). Bringing our grand head count to 272 animals. It’s no wonder Will is always so busy!!
Beef farming is a lengthy cycle but then fantastic produce takes time! Our cattle are finished and ready for ‘beefing’ at just over 2 years of age. In that time they are allowed to grow slowly to full maturity just munching on good Cornish grass and our paddocks of herbal leys. When they come in for winter we feed them our own homegrown silage and hay which you guessed it, it’s made from 100% grass!
Once it is time for ‘beefing’ our cattle are slaughtered just 15 miles from the farm then the carcasses are hung for a minimum of 28 days. We strongly believe that the extra hang time gives the meat a fabulous depth of flavour and soft buttery texture.
The carcasses are then cut for us by our brilliant butchers. We then pick up the meat and it returns to the very place it was born and reared. We then set about making all the burgers, grillsticks, kebabs etc before the epic task of labelling. Orders are then packed for nationwide home delivery, farm collection and the Truro farmer’s market.
It gives us great pride and we feel so fortunate that we get to see every step in the journey. We are quite literally ‘Farm to Fork’ or as we like to say ‘From Our Farm To Your Table With Love’.